Saturday 28 July 2012

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Grew up poor Vagtiny science, weak Fastqoy the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, an orphan became the father of his mother and a son, known far and wide, and draws on his knowledge of both testified that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, one of the keepers of sayings of the Prophet and one of the most important scholars of his time so that some directed from the list of scholars and put him on the list of modern, Fjhdh in the modern collection, codification and put it in the top ranks of defenders of Islam and desperate to defend him.

Is the Imam of the world and updated Fahim good honest sincere dedication, Ahmed bin Hanbal «164 e 241 e», who lived his life a mujahid in the way of science sacrificing Braanh, age, and his strength, his life was all a struggle against poverty hearts and lack of fear, his father died and refused his mother to marry to devote to his education, Fajdahma penis in the minds and hearts, was merciful honest forgiving Savior suffered for many and a lot of injustice and persecution and hardship on the part of the authority which Naoath and tortured and arrested him, and despite the size of the abuses appalling that suffered by the Imam of his opponents, but unfortunately does not compare the misfortune of his opponents as much as the right of its followers who are abused chained together, to understand what is not the name of intolerance.

Here they are followers of the Imam, who suffered a greater ordeal in his life because of an opinion he said or saw the rejection of the conviction by the Ivicon all among mankind most types of oppression and torture, persecution and violence, was not safe from their violence the world is not ignorant, but distinct between the different in the saw and avowed hostility and hatred, until it reached comes to abuse Imam Ibn Jarir al-Tabari interpreter of the Qur'an and the Mosque of the statement, which said of him Imam of the Salafi largest Ibn Taymiyah It's better than interpreted the Book of Allah, may have happened to thousand of Imam al-Tabari book classifies the scholars and shows their rank will be called «the different scholars» He did not say when the Imam Ibn Hanbal that he was prepared to up to date and is not a jurist, which angered the followers of Imam Ibn Hanbal, and according to the reported conduct of the nobles, the companions of Ibn Hanbal, al-Tabari asked: Why did not remember us in your book? He said to them that he was up to date did not understand it himself, «hardened on the Hanbali and they were not counting the many in Baghdad Vchgbwa him and said what they wanted to».

Did not stop at this point, but raised Taúrthm him and Harbuh and banned him from going out of his house and threw stones at him until the owner of the police, along with thousands of soldiers to put away the public are people who are inciting Hanbali and incited him and led them in combat and maliciousness to him, but they threw him an infidel once Shiism time The imam at the Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Dawood apparent, says Imam Ibn Kathir in defense of al-Tabari in this regard: «forbid of all, it was one of the imams of Islam in knowledge and in accordance with the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Allah peace be upon him, but assumed that from Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Dawood apparent, where he was speaking it and throw major sins and rejection », and the son of Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn Dawud this virtual told him the founder of apparent« my son Muhammad a liar », he said, his contemporaries:« enough for what he said when his father », but it nevertheless was a triumph with thousands of pro drag them with him on to help him in his actions tragic, has tried to Imam al-Tabari to explain to them his position of Ibn Hanbal motion, a book showing the position of Ibn Hanbal and explaining the exploits of the Imam and his status and his doctrine, and will enjoy the, but their hostility continued to Imam al-Tabari, even after his death, Vmnauh than to be buried in his tomb was buried secretly at night in his home.

Not only the intransigence of the Hanbali with among mankind on the persecution of every employer saw no Arogahm, but extended it to the general public Vemczua in the street attacking people claiming that they «enjoin right and forbid what is evil», where the points of Ibn al-Atheer in his book «full» in what little events in 323 of the Immigration Hanbali thrived and became Akpson role «any attacking» a found wine Eraqoh though they found a singer beat her and broke the machine singing, but increased in order to enter in every nook and cranny and stood in the market are objecting to the sale and purchase, and they were attacking each A man walking with a woman or a young boy if not for their questions about who Ijaoppem with him, were asking the man for his wife, although not Convo beat him and carried him to the police claiming that they saw him do outrageous.

These abuses are some of what caused the followers of Imam Ibn Hanbal biography fragrant, the man who has suffered the greatest hardship for expressing his opinion and not Anasiall to the Caliph and saw the Caliph, Ivik his companions people bitter if just for the difference, although it has not been proven that Imam days that he was violent or rude, and all What was known about him met and piety and the arrest of the faith heart and conscious will of steel willing to pay in order to learn all the valuable and expensive, and beating his poverty in various ways for acquiring knowledge, it was Imam seeks to collect modern Islamic country on foot, or if the lease itself a porter in the convoys traveling in order to receive or accrue new novel, following the years of his professors, led by Imam Shafie, who reminded him of what he says but it «Mr.».

And student of Ibn Hanbal at the hands of the greatest scholars «Shafie» and carrying on the science of the owner and Abu Hanifa, but it seems he did not want himself to bear the burden of advisory, Vktv his efforts in collecting modern and maintain it, so famous that he was «updated» and not jurist or imam, because was based on his understanding on the book and the year in the first place, did not take the analogy, but the clear and only when necessary, and said that he saves the AA talk by heart, but when he wrote his famous book known as the «Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal» did not give it only less than thirty thousand modern, surpassing all who preceded him and imams who have not only tell a few hundreds of conversations for fear of a lot of the novel and making mistakes and lying to the Messenger of Allah.

To all of this specialty Imam in Fiqh of Worship According to the commands and prohibitions due on the assets of prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, but he did not deviate from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, has caused it to persecute Caliph al-Ma'mun, who was believed that the Qur'an is a creature, not eternal, an issue that does not have the space here to mention the details , but enough to mention that the basis of controversial purely, and it was an issue in the era of the Imam and employ people, while the imam does not like to go into the controversy does not reflect the invisibles, which did not come in clear text, and before the Imam is not engaged in this issue so is the safe removal Judges who do not admit that the Qur'an is a creature, what to his mind many, but the Imam stood up to defend his belief, were arrested Imam Ibn Hanbal to be taken to the safe, and asked the Imam of God not to meet him, because the safe vowed to kill Imam Ahmad, in his way to him, the news came the death of the safe, and was Re Imam Ahmad to Baghdad, and imprisoning and ran power Mutasim, who tested the imam, was being beaten in his hands, has been the imam imprisoned for twenty-eight months, tortured and beaten with whips until he returns for his belief and Imam fixed to the argument one «the Holy Word of God» and what took Mutawakkil son Mutasim and the younger brother of confident power, violated what it was safe and Mutasim and confident belief creation of the Koran, and forbade the controversy in this, Akram Al-Mutawakkil Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, and sent him gifts, but the Imam refused to accept the gifts of the caliph.

Doubled the ordeal of the famous Imam Ibn Hanbal, admired by the people for their steadfastness on his mind and not fear of the ruler and Saath inflamed, so they ask for his opinion in the affairs of this world and their religion, and was preventing him from the fatwa an additional factor to impress people with it, as common with him, he does not, decrees only opinions that beyond any doubt, the same number of people jurist their time, which goes against a lot of historians says Ibn Khaldun in its history: «As for the view of Ahmad, Vmqldh little, for after the doctrine of ijtihad, and originality in the nourish novel and news with each other, and have already explained it saw al-Tabari, and the promise Ibn Qutaiba in modern and not in the scholars, the Imam himself hates to convey him a his fatwas, or publish a name, and tells him that he said to one of his followers who were Isthon writing his views: Do not write an opinion for the tell time to the question and then return it tomorrow, as it was reservations in the advisory and took from Imam Malik tendency to say, «I do not know» in intractable issues, did not issue fatwas concerning the default issues, was not, decrees only in things realistic.

Despite that Imam Ahmad was not entering the sultans and of love Majalsathm, but he was always careful to spare the people of sedition taboo out on the ruler and the teller Hadith which says so, moving always from indulging in talk of sedition or express an opinion in which, but it is not able to concealment of his belief when he accused some people of Imam Shafie Shiism after he wrote his famous book «the people of oppression» defended Ibn Hanbal for Shafie said: It did not prove the Imamate to the it astray from a donkey and that the caliphate did not adorn the top but on the garnish, he says, what one of the companions of the virtues substantiated Asahah such as what the may Allah be pleased with him, but he nevertheless would not have been challenged in Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan, but he did not deviate from the impact has stopped this to say when he saw a range of companions with Sid, and keeping all mentioned and discussed.

Because the Imam did not conceal his note just like Imam Malik, who tortured the Governor because he did not conceal his hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah «not on Mstl divorce» the people's understanding of it that it analyzes the liberation of allegiance Caliph al-Mansur because I hate the people them, we see Ibn Hanbal mentions a lot of the conversations, which received to him as long as they have received from the narrators of «confidence» without regard to anything else, and that is himself a speech drinking Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan alcohol after prohibition, a talk, which hasan by Shaykh future Alwadei which is in the Salafist movement in his book «the correct predicate, which is not in correct »and reported by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad under No. 22941, set out in the thirty-eighth of the predicate edition Foundation message that made the mark Shoaib Arna'oot p. 25 and 26, where he says the hadeeth: Narrated Abdullah told me my father idol Zaid bin Hubab told me Hussein idol Abdullah ibn Buraydah said entered I refused to Muawiya Vocilna on mattresses then we come with food Voklna then come drink drank Muawiya then handed my father then said what he drank from his wife the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, then he said Muawiya you the most beautiful youth of Quraish and Ojodh Tgra and something I found him the thrill as you find him and I young man's milk or a person of good modern telling me »say about this modern brand Alernaúoot that attributed the forces told him the authors of Sunan, Hussein bin Waaqid truthful quite a bit and its narrators are trustworthy men is true also that Sakba narrated in his book History of Damascus in the translation of Abdullah ibn Buraydah.
It is interesting here to note that, despite the reservation of Imam Ahmad lot on Fatwa and its tendency Permanent to resort to the text, but it was considered the «interests Sent» originally from the assets of his understanding, and hard the adoption of the Imam for in many of the issues, and promise to Imam Ibn values ​​of the assets of elicitation, and interests sent are those that corresponds to the community the importance of the investigation did not return the text explicitly, and therefore named it sent, has been inherited by Imam Ahmad that direction for Imams Malik and Ja'far al-Sadiq, who were considered the interests of people of the foundations of religion that were not contrary to the Qur'aan and Sunnah, but this direction - which is not against the book and the year - he found out his followers of the Hanbali school, Here is the Imam Ataiwvy Hambali would raise the people's best interests to consensus and the Qur'aan and Sunnah and the definitive texts in texts and significance, taking from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah «do no harm» reclined likely than which should be the interests of people and not to the injury of paramount importance, and citing the words of Almighty God «to you in the punishment of life», stressing that the reason of retribution is not a punishment in itself, but the «life» and for this you see places «interest» above all else, except for the things of worship, because they have the right of God to His servants, but he says interest of evidence-Shara, the strongest and most particularly, Flanqdamha in the collection of interest, then this is said in the acts of worship, which disappear interests for streams minds and habits, and the interest of policy holders in their rights are known to them by virtue of custom and reason, if we see Shara retired for their advice as we know I we referred in the collection to our care »but in any case remained saw« Ataiwvy »odd for consensus Hanbali did not say by one other, but that there are directed from the Department of Hanbali fiqh fully considered Mdsusa them accusing him of Shiism.

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