Saturday, 4 August 2012

Imam Hassan Al-Azhar Sheikh-Attar

Imam Hassan Al-Azhar Sheikh-Attar
Imam Hassan Al-Azhar Sheikh-Attar
Imam Hassan Al-Azhar Sheikh-Attar

They say that the most hours of the night darkest is that before the dawn, and it seems that this theory of natural cosmic, which highlights the relationship between darkness and light match what is living communities in sessions between Alazlam and enlightenment, In the deep darkness of the conflict between the Persians and the Romans, was born the mission Muhammadiyah, and in most stages of the Umayyad dynasty subjugated came the Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz, and we have seen in previous episodes that in the darkness of doubt and confusion came Imam Ghazali, in the era of crisis and the threat of the Arab Islamic identity do we have Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam, and in the darkness of mysticism and confusion came to us Imam Shatby, Today we are offering for biography and the march of a larger-Azhar scholars and the first emitter of the renaissance of science in Egypt, an Imam Hassan Al-Attar Sheikh Al-Azhar and renewed the state and the owner of the literature and explanations of the many that made a dynamic cultural and doctrinal great in his era, a poet slave and Sheikh self-assured, and the fighter who did not care about the ignorance surrounding him did not have suffered his community, he carried the torch of Enlightenment thought and pen, and lead them, was truly a renaissance gars Egypt, Al-Azhar, and the imam of the scholars and work.

Was Imam Hassan Al-Attar cry when he saw the progress the French what he saw in the French campaign: «Our country does not have to change their conditions, and is renewed by the knowledge that is not where», remained this cry hesitate even changed the country and enter the science that is not where, Vtsidt Egypt the surrounding country and become the most important and largest regions of the Islamic world after drinking neglect and weakened by theft and uncle of ignorance during the period of Ottoman rule of Egypt, became his soul longs to the all-new, and became his heart Ahvo to science wherever it was, it was Allah's mercy says, of SMT ambition it to be found oddity on the literature, and works wonders, truths revealed to him many minutes of science, Tensht idea if the sound in Riyadh Alvhom ».. Praised Bastnarth and his knowledge and literature of Islamic knowledge came that he had: He was Attar man enlightened, best known for his knowledge, and was also a poet Natra, and said that loving religion al-Khatib in his book «Azhar»: The Attar versed in the mathematical sciences as well as the forensic science, Arabic, and said that of Rahman Rafii: Sheikh Hassan Al-Attar of Egypt's scientists flags, RPR Baltdila in literature and arts, and progress in modern science, this was rarely between Al-Azhar scholars, and said of him Tahtawi: had a predilection great with other human knowledge, and said that the Mubarak: «It worked taxes Arts and capture the benefits», and the honorable Sheikh Abdalmtaal Saidi, who said: «the position of Sheikh Attar of mathematical sciences form the new evidence on what was characterized by the flexibility of the mental, religious, and that was in this better off than the people of Al-Azhar, who fought against the flag after the name of religion », but of months of his time Aljberty Rahman said it:« Our friend the mark, and understanding of our friend, now solo science wisdom, referred to in the Humanities, and his magnificent construction and systems, which is the flower of spring, Sheikh Hassan Al-Attar ».

Born Imam Al-Attar in the year 1766 ie before the advent of the French campaign on Egypt by about thirty years, and time, Egypt was reeling under the rule of Caliph Ottoman and agents, from the Mamluks, who were often struggling Vtsab markets devastation and plantations Balboar and are filled with houses Balnuah fire, concentrated power and wealth in the hands of a few of the Mamluks and foreigners lived people in the hardship bitter, Dhaafh large import of foreign goods, which hurt the owners of the character and impoverished, and collapsed agriculture and agricultural trade because of the monopoly of the rich to the seller and the food, which have been manipulating what it was worth This has led to the collapse of the market, as has the emergence of the merchant class of foreigners close to the Mamluks to To accelerate the pace and ever continued to the Egyptian market overfill poverty and high prices, oppression and affliction, and perhaps this, which he saw Imam Al-Attar of the decline of culture, industry and science is what has made his revolution does not calm down for the modernization of Egypt and the introduction of science and entered the era of science and modernization, to bring to mind the attention of imams adult science of cosmic and natural as was the case with Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, who was a professor of Jabir ibn Hayyan founder of the science of chemistry and algebra in the world.

As was the case dire in worldly knowledge was also the case in the religious sciences, and this is monitored world of English in his report to his government at the beginning of the era of Mohamed Ali Pasha, where he says: Education is played by professors of law in the seminaries for the upbringing of Muslim religious scholars of little use, but to fall to a level of its pettiness maximum, Vhz study of the Koranic verses that incite virtues and calls for good morals are very few when compared luck matters of form in the Islam of the study, such as knowing the amount of pollution in water that invalidate ablution!! »The Imam Al-Attar on awareness of the large to the problem, he said in his commentary on the book «collection of mosques in the principles of jurisprudence» One of the hopes of our scientists former find that they were with the firmness of their feet in forensic science they learn a great on other sciences, and books that draw them to book offenders for them in the doctrines and branches, and impressed by that move beyond them to consider in the books is the people of Islam from the Torah and other holy books, Judaism and Christianity, then they are with those evacuated in the education of their tongues foil poems, and then condemns the Imam Al-Attar case, which reached forensic science in his time, saying: «It is considered that The conclusion reached by the case in the time we signed him aware that we (as scientists) of them like the general people of their time »that is, it condemns the scientific state in his time, and condemns the ignorance of scientists and laziness in the investigation and Altfgah so that it equals between scholars of his time and the general public in the preceding ages, and explains Imam Al-Attar reasons This situation, saying that they as scientists: every ordered transport them without inventing anything, we repeat what they said in their books throughout the life-if we ever had a question of theology where we did not find that he has no basis, and we passed this joke literary science the people of falsehood.
While the political and cultural in the Egyptian society in the bottom were also social status, have spread myths and superstition and Rescue Society of the darkness and illusions, and tells Aljberty comedy show it on the society of backwardness and ignorance, its hero is Sheikh Abdul Latif large Khaddam scene Ms. psychic, who found that the people of Egypt in the ignorance hanging took advantage of their ignorance and kindness, and bring the goat from the market and claimed that Ms. emotional speech from the grave and Osth, and said to people that this sheep do not eat except almonds, pistachios, and drink only rose water and sugar, came to him people Baknatir nuts, jars of water roses, and rallied women in the work of necklaces of the goat and Zinoha collars of gold and carried her vows, and when he informed the Governor Abdulrahman Katkhoda this story, brought a goat in the absence of Abdul Latif and then slaughtered and Huaha called Sheikh Abdaheik Latif to lunch and became eat meat goat and Sheikh eat expressing his admiration Belhmha good, Then the Governor told him after he finishes his food and that it Anzath Oboukh on the Tigris and Haozth and ordered to put a goat fur on his head and left him in the streets of Cairo, to Tairh people.

Found Sheikh Attar Egypt in this state, and found Arabic descend steeper is unparalleled, while he was a young child refuses his father to teach him, which was adopted on himself and memorizing the whole Quran, and when he found his father relates to science allowed him to study, if by the end of the curriculum elementary quickly high, and refuses to enter the labor market is determined to complete his studies al-Azhar, and in the Al-Azhar like Arabic loving and studied philology and proficiency and pull him aware of the fundamentals of Islam recited it at length, enabled him to specialize in this science and the formation of important books in it, and while he is a young man of twenty- old is writing a book on the science of grammar, and years later wrote a book last in the rhetoric became apparent the desire overwhelming in the renewal and revolt against the old, also enjoyed too boldly in the approach, instead of stuffing his introduction to traditional highlights the importance of rhetoric religious and doctrinal started it left no verses summarize the What's in the book and display what its doors, and display of the history of rhetoric and the origins and evolution, and in a footnote in 1794 put the book on his teacher Khalid Al Azhar, the cash books may Sheikha was elaborated in the explanation of merit.

It seems that the love of Sheikh of the rebellion on the deteriorating situation is what made it tends always to travel, and although he was Mahbra in his travels first, but its integration in the communities that traveled to and benefit of them confirm that he was always looking for new and held out his curiosity scientific to more absorption, the left-Sheikh Qhardh that I love in the first command after the arrival of the French campaign, and fled with those who fled to the level where controlled Murad your commander Mamluk, who resisted the French occupation, and this ordeal influential largely on the psyche and personality of the Imam, he saw death more than once, either in his journey to conf or in the residence where or in returning them, showing to the scourge of stalking in the travel, as for the plague that kills people when it struck the plague level described it to its owner Abdulrahman Aljberty in the message seriously and put Sheikh historians in his book, and it seems that this message is what made the author insisted upon in coming to Cairo, a trip which also suffered from the threat of damaged The Bedouins and the constant traveling.

That came after Sheikh to Cairo, soldiers found the campaign and its scientists are deployed everywhere, in the beginning and Vahjahm condemn them and wrote poetry in the contempt in which he said:

The Afrencs have been lost in repeated his Drahmanm between a donkey and a head cover
And close to them in the Sham fatal wasting their time limits and ages
The glow their reaction when they destroyed some of the palaces and houses Bmdafhm in the long poems in which he described what was in that failure of the manifestations of good and beauty, but the Sheikh who liked to know about what's new leaders instinct of knowledge for the achievements of French civilization carried by scientists campaign, Vtqrb of them, and know their sciences and endorsed one of them, and commended the study of philosophy and science, which at that differentiate between gun French and knowledge of, and as described by American researcher Peter Gran was Yazdrém the words of b «Afrencs infidels» for some unknown reason decides to Sheikh escape of the French leaving to Turkey and then to Damascus and Palestine It trips that have affected the composition significantly, where he discovered that conflicts intellectual can destroy communities and realized that the intolerance doctrinal and intellectual devastating effects outweigh the effects of occupation, but in these trips have benefited a great deal of science that he had here have also benefited from Shawwam and Turks he translated his Abdel Razek al-Bitar for receiving Damascenes to him: «Vtlqah people including Laq and held on the superiority and uniqueness virtues word agreement», and is defined as a completed different cultures and the most important of logic and philosophy as he read a lot about the heritage of India and mobility intellectual and compare recession is common in Egypt, and studied in Turkey medical science and there wrote a book on anatomy in which he criticized the Muslim world the great Ibn Sina, was grow fonder studied these sciences, emphasizing that they increase human certainty and belief in God and his ability and said with a sigh to his country and the lack of this science «These fields do not Atrgaha to a few people Vinqdhun human ignorance and backwardness », and therefore defended the introduction of medical science to Egypt and when he happened one day to try one of the students that kills the doctor Clute you, in exercise of autopsy in the morgue, School of Medicine Papy Zaabal, stood Imam« Hassan Attar »was then sheikh of Al-Azhar in the exam School of Medicine He said that religion is not incompatible with science is not opposed praised the teaching of medicine and its usefulness to the advancement of humanity.

Back Imam to Egypt in 1815 finds that conditions have changed and the king driven Governor Mohammad Ali, who took it upon himself Renaissance Egypt and progress, an old dream of the Sheikh of the world, Vtqrb Attar him and became one of his advisers, he even took office editor of the Egyptian Gazette spokeswoman for the state, and in the the same time, he returned to teaching-Azhar, and the episode full of students, as scientists have been leaving their lessons and reproduce on the episode to listen to his lessons in the science of theology and language, so told him of the Mubarak said that «Akaber elders were when he sat for the lesson left Halqathm and they have to study it».

Although aware of the great imam and Tbhrh in specialties linguistic and religious, but he did not stop reading foreign books, and taking draws from books translated from Turkish, French, Greek, and even told him «The cost of knowledge and learning is the one who made him an outstanding among his students and a professor, and perhaps the passion for old man science is the one who made Muhammad Ali Iwtherp on than others, which was welcomed by Sheikh who believed in Muhammad Ali best help to achieve his dream of updating Egypt, received the Sheikh for the dream of the establishment of schools of science, medicine and engineering in Egypt, and was an adviser to the Governor on the nomination of the invisible worthy of travel in the missions, and it is thanks to the nomination of his student Tahtawi to travel to France, a mission that had the greatest impact in the history of Egypt and the development of science Al-Azhar, and it seems that Sheikh was a lasting difference with the Al-Azhar scholars traditional, and even though he have not received anything from these differences, but There is a poem to a young poet and supported by mentions will enjoy the following advantages and some of his battle with the Senate, said the poet in his poem:

Science is in the sky full moon to get what finish Bsrar
His knowledge is in the case, which is characterized by denial when news
Is in time-Saad and splendor, which is proud to Egypt by the regions
Another said
He believed Aloqahy perfume Tgrk Vanchy amusingly bent on Attar
Boasts of his time screamed at typhoon and shrouded by Egypt to the regions
Although Sheikh had seen a particular achieved his dream to be in Egypt, schools of Science and Arts, medicine, engineering, and began to see what he had dreamed of the progress and prosperity, but he has not forgotten the Al-Azhar that the Great House, which knows that the beginning of Salah Egypt and advancement, and therefore work hard to impact and develop curricula, easing unit intellectual militancy and fanaticism hateful, and tells him that one of them to his mother when he is old Al-Azhar in his love to listen to the songs and writing poetry Ghazly said to him:

«Of unaffected Briqik poems, recited a tongue tendons, the Htoot rivers, in the shade of trees, that Gulf copyright donkey», also worked to restore to the science curriculum the first that fortifies the world literature and natural sciences side of the religious sciences, because that is a great benefit, but careful not to collide directly with the elders of Al-Azhar Almnggayn, he ordered to his student Mohammed Ayyad Tantawi, that gives lessons in the commentary and comment on the books of poetry and literature, and thanks to this guidance could reform in the Al-Azhar to record the first movement in literary studies and poetry in the courtyard of the mosque long history, as it given credit in the know Azharites the literature different, such as songwriters to Abe Faraj Isfahani, despite the role of Imam Hassan Al-Attar large and they understand the broad has not been given moment so far from the attention of researchers as packed with Library Library composers Sheikh, which reach almost ninety authors, between Science doctrine and theology, grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, medicine, engineering, and between the annotations, articles, poems, and this has been valuable manuscripts which formed the awareness of Renaissance Egypt does not see the real unknown student or reader.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Imam Shatby

Imam Shatby
Imam Shatby

◄ that Islam was preferred to the worlds is because he broke the idols and removed the illusions and destroyed the stones found humanity and open the way for science, culture and creativity, meditation, mind and memory and mobilize and struggle, and through four centuries ago Islam granted to humanity classes seriously to be free from deadlock and the revolution to the current situation and the emancipation of the families priests and despotism, and because we are on the threshold of building a new state, and the people we have the month of light and the Koran, not the most beautiful that we seek the way enlightened broad prospects opened to us the scholars of the Enlightenment who liberated the mind from the illusion of attachment to priests, and put of Islam mechanism of evolution, progress and growth, and here through the 30 episodes We are trying to discover the foundations of development set by the columns Bakdima Islamic thought and a new, publicly, we find guidance.

◄ said that the purpose of law is to keep the five purposes of a religion, life, birth control, mind and money .. He stressed that the preservation is the application of the law.

◄ fought heresies deployed in Andalusia and the new youth of Islam in the fifth century and became a reference for all scholars innovators in modern times .. Student of the writings of 'Izz ibn Abdul Salam, Imam Ghazali and Imam Malik.

Hardly a name to miss episodes of the lesson and the writings of religious leaders masters since the beginning of the last century, have found everyone have seized upon this man, who developed the theory of «the purposes of the law», received the plaudits, and became a place of martyrdom, and eat jurists his utmost respect and admiration, after eight centuries of the emergence of Islam, after dozens of imams and dozens of schools, and thousands of books and thousands of messages and millions of speeches, correspondence and millions of questions and opinions, had to be the emergence of a big world, combining all this in an overarching framework to come to us the theory of a ruling of Islamic law and philosophy and wisdom, and this world is Imam Shatby.
Is Ibrahim ibn Musa ibn Muhammad Abuashak Allkhmi Granada, famous Bcataby, and his surname, which was known by the Abuashak, born Granada, Andalusia, the Paradise Lost, which drove her dozens of eminent scientists, and dozens of great philosophers, and dozens of Sufis poles, and thousands of important books which contributed to the formation of the awareness of culture Arabic, and developed and made him one of the most important tributaries of human culture. Has been known from Imam Shatby that he did not come out of Granada, which was born and grew up and learned it, was the other travels to various countries to bring science and the collection of lessons, but Shatby did not travel, science lectured him, and scientists Tlqon around him, picking of the fruits of their knowledge and experience without tiring or misery.
Date of birth of our Sheikh Karim is not known precisely, but the history books preserved to us of his death well, because his death was a great event, it has shaken the scientific community tragically departure of the Imam of the world on Tuesday of the month of Sha'ban 790 AH, after a lifetime full of accomplishment, Amer creativity, has studied at the hands of Imam Shatby a lot of eminent scientists known for their virtues in science, who energized from a certain Sheikh and his hand raised and Ttelmzu and knew, he is the leader who has studied the doctrine of the purest of its sources, and they understand the Arabic language and the arts, and he stood on the secrets and Jamaliadtha and rules from around the exchange , also studied the interpretation of the Koran and the awareness of his wisdom, as he studied modern science and jurisprudence, Vtkont him the proceeds of knowledge huge enabled him to innovate his theory that surprised contemporaries by the ancients, and it was natural that when it was written translations and biography of the personality of this man calls to say: is the Imam of the mark, the investigator example Hafiz Galilee industrious interpreter fundamentalist scholar, the updated linguistic, glass checker master, the owner of the firm foot in the Great Imamate and other arts of forensic science, mark and Imam good investigator.
«I - thankfully - did not remove since the hernia to understand my mind, and the splitting of science my order, see the Aklyate and Cherayate, and its assets and its branches, did not confine him to the flag without the knowledge, but did you enter in the importunity run enhanced pool and entered the arena the feet of the bold, to be from the Good Lord, Most Merciful, Li explained meanings unless the law into my account ».. This is what the Imam Aboishak Shatby himself from himself, and who acknowledges that his theory in the Law were not in the account, but from the opening of God, and this is endorsed by scholars, past and present, have considered the «theory of the purposes» of the most important theories of Islamic jurisprudence after the theory of Imam Shafei in established principles of jurisprudence, therefore, considered by some renewed cent eighth, and emitter renaissance in the science of jurisprudence, but as usual did not hand over Imam Shatby, a Sunni fundamentalist taken from the comments of the Salaf beacon, attributions of many of the charges him, said of him some of it is called that prayer does not benefit, because he did not commit collective prayers in the prayer, and others said it is common because it was not mentioned in speeches Caliphs, something which made him sing a poem in which he said: «O my people, and Plate scourge variety .. Who even came close, Administrative Erdeny / not harmful to pay for the benefit of bringing Vhspy God in my mind and in the religious ».
«Agreed the nation, but the rest of boredom, that Islamic law has developed to maintain the five essentials, including: religion, life, birth control, money and mind, and when the flag nation Kaldharory .. This is the theory of the university where the learned Imam after eight centuries of jurisprudence in Islamic law, colleges and their branches, saying that these colleges five or goals to the five things that are not unimpeachable, Filiphr scholars whatever they sailed, and to speak in other things the canon of the talk, but hard along the age that the ultimate goal and purpose of law is to preserve the noblest of these five colleges, and any judgment violates the jurisprudential principle of conservation of these colleges is false, and that any judgment jurisprudential maintains these colleges it has existed, God willing.
Although the Imam Shatby did not invent this theory, did not come out of not, but its status and rooting have ensured that it is associated with his name on its behalf, what is that little Shatby so little aware of the purposes, and that little aware of the purposes to Ntrahm the Imam Shatby, but the Imam did not stop the launch of its provisions so without pampering, was careful to document these faculties of the book and the year, stressing that God is Almighty and Holy Messenger peace be upon him stressed the importance of these objectives since the beginning of the mission in Mecca, passing through immigration to the city, and his farewell address, which witnessed the completion of religion in Mecca also, the ceremony of the Holy Quran mention these purposes and is maintaining it, keeping the debt does not require evidence of the book to prove it is a well, while keeping the Self commanded by God in saying «Do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right», and saying: «If Almuudh asked what sin she was killed », and save the self also requires keeping the mind banning alcohol, keeping birth control fixed inevitably prohibiting adultery and Tfhish, and it Bajtnabh, and the establishment of the limit on the perpetrator, as well as save money is haraam to eat the money unlawfully, and to provide for prohibition of theft, and work on the observance of human Islamic Finance.
To maximize the position of these colleges, five in the Law, he has God Almighty to overcome the difficulties in front of the task of maintaining them, Votah licenses after the license, in order to remove from people's embarrassment, and ensures that lasts «purposes of the law» and not be changed no matter how changed times and circumstances, may God save a prayer availability of licenses in the purity and ablutions, and facilitate the people tayammum in the absence of water pure, and permitted prayer palace, and raise the judiciary in the case of fainting, and gave the prayer sitting and on the side, also provided breakfast in Ramadan to travel, illness, and save the self analysis of what has been forbidden in the case of having, such as the analysis eat dead meat, pork and drink forbidden in case of extreme thirst, and permitted to marry without naming the dowry to facilitate, to save the offspring, as permitted divorce, divorce, and in the money analyzed the borrowing-Hassan, and enjoy the good things of halal, and the demonization of extravagance and waste, and for the mind has raised impeller and the embarrassment if compelled the attention of a disease or hunger or thirst.
Before we get in molecules theory purposes, it is necessary here to emphasize that the imam Shatby did not invent that theory, but he found in books of jurisprudence and the fatwas of Imams lying on without framing or collector does not demonstrate Schaaf Fjmaha and their frames and pamper them, and this note to him Shatby himself, who was much What refers to the effort of his predecessors in the books «approvals» and «sit», and the predecessors of these are the Imam Jouini imam of the Grand Mosque, Imam Ghazali, Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam, who are of his predecessors in this division when trapped interests necessary in five, is the religion and the soul, mind and birth control and money, was commanded by God to follow charity, and we are working good in all the verses of the Quran, and elaborated Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam in the emphasis on this theory and make it like the assets of the legislation, saying that scientists have unanimously agreed that the different disciplines and persuasions and spree on the fact that law had included maintaining the what he called «Mothers of interest» or «interests Saved», stressing that all that keeps these interests is an interest, and all that is lost these interests is evil and to pay interest, but moved the Imam that idea from the realm of theory into practice, where he returned to it in many of fatwas, which issued a fatwa by which we referred in the previous episode, was this again in the religion of God, maintaining his law and slaves, and in fact, the existence of the theory of «the purposes of the five» former also these imams bone, seen by some a development of the idea of ​​«interests Sent» by origin Imam Malik opened the door of ijtihad to the end, but hopefully in the history of Islamic jurisprudence finds that the noble Companions have followed this theory, and consider the views of Farouk Omar bin al-Khattab and his decisions, which was put in mind of these purposes is taken, it may save self and society revoke the punishment of apostasy in year of famine, and keeping religion and conquests, when the division decided not to agricultural land to the soldiers the conquerors and the companions, and save money when Muslims whose hearts share repealed. The age of the beholder to the fatwas and decisions ensure that the interests of Muslims was second to none, and put it above all else, what in these actions and decisions but to maintain the five purposes of the law.
And walk on the approach of Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam walked Imam Shatby to apply that theory, as an application jurisprudential pragmatic, the work of which deals with the proliferation of fads in Granada, which fought and attacked and refuted their arguments, the Department of sins into three types, saying of them minor, including the major, Vkabaúr are those that wasted the value of maintaining the objectives of the five or «necessity», while the minor is that does not touch on those necessities, which is located in the inferior certainly, and in all the writings of Imam Shatby find this sentence as if granted eternal, says Imam: There are Muslim legitimacy , which is that the development of laws, but it is the interests of people in the immediate and long-term, he says, in other words, more assertive «It is known from the law that it has launched to the interests of the people, Valtklev all either to ward off evil, or to bring the interest or for the two together», which is always confirms the fact that interests are what lead to life is not to be demolished, he says: «interests Almjtalph and cons Almstdfh but is considered in terms of set up this life for the life of the other, not in terms of the passions of the soul to bring the interests of the ordinary, or prevent their consequences regular», here distinguishes the Imam of «interest» and «passions» remembering the words of God: «if followed by the right of their desires, truly ٱlsmot and earth, and deeds», but the Imam Shatby puts the definition of the concept of interest is almost destroys the theory of the basis of which, he says that interests you know of evil to transport and not the mind, and that thing Hassan Hassan because he is mentioned in the impact , and the thing ugly ugly as it is mentioned also in the impact, which killed diligence and makes his theory tautology plus that did not develop and be up to date and Msthaddthath that are not listed in a book or a year, and so is not Agt his theory only, but Agt also his shaykhs who drew them that theory, here is the Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam acknowledges that «most of the interests of the world and their consequences are known the mind, it is obvious to any sane person prior to receipt of Islam that the collection of interest pure and ward off evil purely for the soul of man, Mahmoud Hassan», adds: It was agreed that the wise men on that as well as laws on the prohibition of blood and treasure and symptoms , but differed in that, is most likely to be due to the difference in even and odds. , As Imam al-Izz ibn Abdul Salam The pros and cons mundane necessities you know, experiences and habits Almattabrat and suspicion, and that he wanted to know the events in the pros and cons of Rajehha Mrjoha Vliered on his mind.
Indicate novels, verses and Alahit that reason alone would know good from the ugly, has narrated from Qatada interpreter Taabi'i, he said: «It is not of good character the people of ignorance are working it and Isthassanouna but God has commanded in the verse« God commands justice and charity and giving to relatives and forbids indecency and evil, the prostitute admonishes you, that ye may remember »It is not the creation were Atairunh including but Allaah has forbidden and slander - any defamation - which, but mourned for nonsense ethics and Mmamha», The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: «but sent to complete good manners», How can the people of ignorance, to know the reasons for Mission messenger is only if they know Baklhm morals of Baútha, and tell us also famous prophet peace be upon him in Mecca before the mission that honest and trustworthy that the great values ​​such as sincerity and honesty were known followed and recommended by the mission, which is part of what mushroom God's people upon, has said the mother of believers Khadija girl Khuwaylid of the Prophet when he feared the same revelation: «No, the good news, sure of what disgrace God never, I swear you reach the uterus and ratify the talk and bear all and earn zero and the village poor and had to episodes», and perhaps of is understood to deny the Imam Hassan Shatby knowledge of its ugly before the coming of the legislation has been described God wine and gambling, that they «abomination», adultery and described as «obscene» and described menstruation as «harm».
Has been written by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al in his book «keys to happiness» that God's words: «and replace them with good things and prohibits them evil» a clear statement that the wife was good before analyzed by God, and evil was malignant before it deprives him of God, and that God clothed dissolved well in the good, and clothed malignant forbids subtle on the evil nature, and indicates the verse: «Say but denied my Lord with them as immoral and hidden», that immorality Vuahc itself does not Tsthassanha minds Vtm forbidden to Vhacha, separated by Imam Ibn nuts saying explanation Mstrsla: The very reason that Overall well aware of what came Shara his preference.
But Imam Shatby, who objected to the Imam al-Izz ibn Abdul Salam in Ahtah to reason to know pros and cons, a contradiction with himself when he acknowledged as adopted by the «good old» Mankma to his mind, he acknowledged, researchers and scholars that Shatby a student of the writings of «good old» especially with the interests and cons, and Prevention of hardship, Fikr that Islam did not come to disturb people, but to relieve them, and taking into account the interests and comfort, and forbade such hardship bathing in the cold, and, to the dawn prayer, and the hardship of fasting and pilgrimage, and here it should be noted that the theory of Imam Shatby were not to take fame, and did not exist at all without the reliance on the Maliki school, which is the doctrine of interest and approval, a doctrine firmly in warding off evil, and the search for bug assignments in the transactions and their causes, to achieve a reason that can not be achieved by providing, but not that Imam Shatby found heritage replete with science and jurisprudence since the days of companions, passing through the imams of the four adults, and Imam Jouini, and Ghazali and Izz ibn Abdul Salam, to put this theory, the great would later become a beacon for the reformers and innovators to Atora them, and add them, and Axboha flexibility and originality, Mstdrickan what he has done the imam leading the adequate development of the theory that sing its praises everyone now.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Ezz Bin Abdulsalam

Ezz Bin Abdulsalam
Ezz Bin Abdulsalam 

A solid foundation in religion was, Most Merciful the poor was, strong great it was, met him understand Islam and the preservation of the Quran and Sunnah with the diligence and the realization of the mind, was his life to the face of God purely, do not know the intolerance of the doctrine, not aligned to the category, and greed in the money, do not seek Gah or the Sultan, including the work of God Vdzah and became his titles of Imam Sultan scientists, parents and Azzedine and sued the judges and kings polite.

A stop in front of his disciples after he impressed in front of the King River in the parish feast day to tell him to stop fighting the corrupt and immoral in the Muslim countries, said to him, his disciple: Taathab pain of the king, O our sheikh? Said to him, God knows, and floating in his kingdom and the world for His help and strength and its chain: God, I built myself, has been invoked in the prestige of the Sultan of God was Kalqth front of me.

Said by Imam al-Dhahabi: «reached the rank of ijtihad, and ended with the chairman of the doctrine, with asceticism and piety, and said that I'm careful feast:« was the son of Abdul Salam Sultan scientists », said his son brow:« Ibn Abdul Salam horizon of Ghazali », said his son Sobky said: «Shaykh al-Islam and Muslims, and a great scholars, Sultan scholars, the Imam of his time without a defender, the existing Order of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in his time, is familiar with the realities of Sharia and Guamdha, Arif its purposes», and the public from his fans and his students and his students have raised him to the ranks of saints, Tnagulwa his stories, and I call that his dignities, what was it only forbidding to speak in such things, saying that the dignity and honor to God and miracles, and God is not a partner.

Is the Izz al-Din ibn Salam, known as the Izz ibn Abdul Salam, one of the biggest personalities of Islam through the days through, watch the ordeal, and martyr, the warrior in his heart and his pen and his mind and his tongue and his hand, dealer with God since he knew God, Frban his business and is one of the losers, is that servant, Lord's, who has chosen Lord to protect fever Muslims and cleanse their country of weakness, fear and sadness, is that the little boy who learned from life that life is fleeting, Fajld his name in the hearts and minds and history, is the author of biography fragrant and the upper hand and the name Tahar and impact tall, is a small orphan who did not find anything to fill the assuage his hunger and nakedness and Leicester hosts his body, but the great mosque of Damascus «Umayyad Mosque» The work of guarding its small shoes and spark Almsarj and sweep iwans, Vhrsh God of all evil, and lit his heart the light of faith, and cleansed from the uncleanness cleansing.

And because God has wanted to do good is pleased him to Atfgah in religion and Itbhr in doctrine and deepening in the walk to the light of God, was when he sailed and took survived and deepened, some might think that just a coincidence that put him in this way, but the truth is that God created him the flag and place it in the way scientists evacuated loyal, they took his hand, and on Oaanoh needs, and Adboh and Avanmoh and taught, were Yes, teacher, and disciple was yes.
Attracted by the verses of the Quran, as it is in the mosque works at night, follow the sound, if its up to episode Sheikh Senate world Sakba, loses to sit down and listen to the verses of Allah and the traditions of His Messenger, and to note the old man and the presence of this boy, his expulsion of the loop of what was found from the modern age boy oneself and his clothes, and if the boy a small rush to the door of the mosque and remain glued to him in tears to deprive him of the desire to hear what it craves and the same spirit, if Sheikh and finds out the boy for what it is, Verg his heart and unrelenting, he asks the boy you like science? And answering the heart of the boy: And love is science? Sheikh expert knows the people and the world smiles scientists that the child standing in front of him honest, and asks him questions about his and the boy replied and found Sheikh as it is poverty and the need to decide Atkvlh care.

Arises boy in the confines of this old man learns and improves education, assigned to study the book in a month then comes to him after three days and may save it and understand it and concluded that its interest, tell him to save Al increases verse or two or three, like the boy of science and finds himself in the emotional attachment to him and thinking about the manifestations, held out light divine about the way, do not hesitate to walk to hear that what a student seeking knowledge so fraught with angels Fastans them holed up in God than in their hearts, unity, hear about the mysticism of true and condition Fiktbs insight of its light sits to the elders and Mrdia, hear about the world in Iraq saves Modern and hold seminars lesson, Vicd travel to Mesopotamia and dates back to the old Sheikha «Sakba» After learning and understanding what they could not learn that, by greatly because Sheikha and adoption by a teacher in the ring the Great Umayyad Mosque.
Here is the boy sat, surrounded by students asking him he replies, and despite being a Shafi doctrine, Ash'ari doctrine, but he did not comply with Bmzhbh, was the fatwas based on what he sees fit for the people and the most appropriate, and the strongest argument and closer to the spirit of the law, but it was more what the militants Kings mighty and scientists hypocrites , and had to pack and rigor is a good reason, enemy at the gates still, and Salah al-Din that icon, who was collecting pieces home Ayoubi and unite under the banner ruled Egypt and the Levant, has died, and fought his brothers and his sons to govern, and then became the regions of the Islamic to the dispersion after the unit, and all the Amir on his emirate captivating scientists and scholars all he could, the good old was not of this class of human beings, has been sacked for creation the Creator, and Acetkvy Eavy who else, but it was not sufficient role Saket on the right, and what it is to convince that the «devil shut up» was a permanent Scientists blame the Sultan Mjarathm of the Sultan,

He ruled that Sheikh that keeping silent about evil, evil, and that Muslim scholars first people to complete their caliphs and rulers from evil, and that giving up advised the ruler and the response to the injustice contrary to God and His Messenger, and that their silence on the right hope, maximize their sin and condemn their fault, but increased in the attack on them at times Astvtah One of the students: Do we have to obey these scientists? Ezz said: Do not obey them Kalma you do not obey Allah and His Messenger, and so is the scientists who deprived the Sultan and Idahnon Ieinnouna on poor grip and Ofutem, which aroused resentment from scholars and increased the resentment it.
All this and Sheikh past in the process,, decrees people Trja the responsibility of the fatwa, and rejects Gifts rulers do not accept them and distance himself from aspects of extravagance, preferring to trade with God that try it and he was sure to check profits at large, would prefer to live poor, to see the poor pinches his hunger and erode the in his flesh the cold, preferably in the advisory is to review the same time after time, and return to the right and when his grandfather, he even tells him that he once opined that the man in question, and when he returned to his home discovered his mistake, so he went looking for the man who issued a fatwa to him, and make his students roam the streets and markets are calling on those who issued a fatwa Sheikh, saying, of those that were his young yesterday Ezz Bin Abdulsalam not work for them they are wrong, and is to Sheikh Aftih opinion correct, increasing the feature of the popular Sheikh and his love in the hearts of the people, became an old man famous in Damascus are all , gets a salary much of the Umayyad Mosque match taught him, but his thin and small of the large number of donated for «the people of God» refuses urgency his wife against him in the expansion of their house which is that they want a house shrouded in a garden, and even when he collected his wife Massagha and threw it to him to buy House, who want to have it returned empty-handed from the house and formulated, to let her know that he donated money to the poor to buy her a palace in paradise!!
In return for increased love-Sheikh in the hearts of the public has increased hatred of scientists Sultan of the followers of the Hanbali school him, he is as well to blame them permanent and attack him outright to them was accused Balhmq and the stagnation and corruption of public opinion and insulting the Imam of the world, Ahmed bin Hanbal, and this is what made them Astalon anger and trying again and again that signed between Al Ezz Bin Abdulsalam and Sultan al-Ashraf Ayoubi because he was a Hanbali like them and they are considered really care about, but he did not respond to them at first because he knows his place of Imam and how Tfqha, but they did not despair, Vdsoa the fatwa know his opinion in the knowledge that he follows the doctrine Ashari in creed, which is a Sunni who fought by the Ashari Isolationists and Hajajhm him, and when he reached the Advisory Opinion to the imam known to be a trap, but the honor of scientific father has to fear that the issue fatwas concerning the issue knows her answer, and refused him dignity concealment of what is believed the fear of the machinations, he wrote the Imam in his own handwriting in response rebuked the means of the question and said what he believes in all candor, courage and achievement, which he considered Hanbali a victory for them and Zvo advisory opinion to the king, taking advantage of his ignorance of matters of faith and armed with authority doctrine it, he railed king Ezz Bin Abdulsalam and accused him of blasphemy, and I swear to Enzln him as punishment for a major, which angered the scholars of the Maliki and Shafi'i and tried to fix between the Sheikh and the King, but King refused Vtdhamn scholars leave with the imam and signed the text of the fatwa that caused the crisis and said they believe the same as what he believes the imam, Fajvv King of Death-Sheikh and only be removed from advisory and the lesson, obeyed Sheikh to rule and he stayed in his house and then returned to opinion after the king arrived full brother of King Al-Ashraf to the Levant and the river his brother on his position of Imam was known of and revered, and indulging in recognition of the King his mistake was appointed imam in the office of the Grand Imam of Umayyad Mosque, walked judged between people with justice, and ordered the Sultan to raise taxes for manufacturers and traders and the poor and make it to the rich only, ie it is what we call it these days «progressive tax» Sultan responded to his humility.

Once the king died Ashraf and took his place good Ishmael ally of the Crusaders even persecuted Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam with all his power and oppression, and induce the scholars of the Hanbali who surrounded predecessor «Ashraf» when he learned of them their love for gifts, grants, and their willingness to do whatever pleases the Sultan, imposing taxes prohibitive to the poor and manufacturers once again, and took the slave traders and the Slavers and owners of brothels, and to live every evil that God commanded them to die, and worse of all, alliance with the Crusaders against the brothers of the sons of the Ayyubid, but allowed the Crusaders to buy swords, which are fighting the Muslims from Damascus and was one of the best types of swords, Vtsdy Imam to deviations of the king and went walking in the streets telling people that it sells to the Crusaders sword was Khan's covenant with God and the Prophet is not pending or under him, and his blood wasted and his wealth permissible, but speeches in the people required to take off the King, who give the Crusaders their land and the Alliance with them against his brothers in blood and religion, and declined to imams to mosques to pray for the king after the advisory opinion of the Imam, which means they do not recognize the common good Ismail king, what was the king but ordered his imprisonment and used on Sheikh fatwas from the scholars of the Hanbali says that out on the ruling «haram» and the king know, including the benefit of Muslims, but for Matturaan ugliest charges accuse Imam saying that Imam would not have been fighting the King only for the purpose in itself.
After a while the king ordered the release of Sheikh that required his home does not come out of it except for Friday prayers, what was it only to ask permission to leave Damascus and travel to Cairo, replied the king after the maneuver, to come out at dawn, without telling anyone for fear that raises people's scene exit Sheikh Vinqlpon it, and actually went forward, but on his way to Cairo, met with the most humiliation of princes belonging to Saleh Ismail, Daigoh and insulted him and held him until that trip were not to exceed the month-long years, and when he reached the Imam to Cairo, the Egyptians have heard him and loved him came out to receive him clothed in holiday clothes happy new imam, who renewed the youth of Islam by God and returned to his first love, where justice, mercy, compassion and brotherhood.

King Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub among those received with the Imam at the door of Cairo, and took him by the hand and introduced his new home, saying to him that the house is not his money nor the house of money, but from the people of Cairo, who were glad it Vnbarawa their money to buy him this house, and when entered girl Imam to the new house looked great joy because its orchard as she dreamed Furthermore, overlooking the Nile, and the tribute to Sheikh and maximize the amount of the same King Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub judge the judges, which made the days of Imam Hinah in Cairo, at least, where collided with the Imam of King in the face of experienced the people of Egypt all, and this was the confrontation when he found the Imam al-Mamluk princes buying and selling, marrying of silks and they are still slaves, Vmnahm the conclusion of contracts and issued a fatwa against the health of their marriage of silks, which aroused resentment of the princes and the king alike, but the Imam, who is not afraid of the truth to anybody fit did not return for his fatwa even princes sold in the market and bought them and then the King ransomed them and take good old funds sold and disbursed to the poor and the vulnerable and the poor and students.
And continued the Imam in his fatwas that do not fear do not fear, and when the rule of the Emir of the Mamluks did not implement the Police ruling made by himself and carried out the verdict, and resigned from the judiciary for complaining about the lack of implementation of his reign, Vartah King of his fatwas, which troubled him his life and turned upon princes, and took advantage of the Imam of this period in put the books he had dreamed writing, and extracted through his work in advisory and eliminate many provisions and went to his special theory of jurisprudence, relying on the mind after the transfer Vjadded Youth Islamic jurisprudence even told him the Imam of the Maliki school in Damascus at the time: we did not know since the four imams of the horizon of Ghazali but Izz ibn Abdul Salam.

«Sharia are all either ward off evils or bring the interests» That is the rule, which reached the Imam after insight and diligence, what is the interest which all goodness, and the avoidance of evil in which all goodness, and he soon regrets are intended Sharia basic, and in the Imam says: It wanted to know the interests of evil Vlieredha on the mind.

At that also says: The medicine Kalshra position to bring the interests of safety and wellness and prevention Maatab with things, which put Islam is the one who put medicine, and the two themes to bring the interests and warding off evil and based on this view derived a lot of provisions, and forbade such hardship in worship, saying that God Almighty did not cause any hardship to the slaves, just as it does not mean the doctor to punish patients with medicine bitter and in preference to the interests ordered to follow it better Mstdla on the words of Almighty God «listen to the Word and follow the best», saying that the rescue shipwrecked by prayer and fasting, as was stated that there is no mandate to the leaders of prostitutes who tend to debauchery, and the interests of the poor first of the interests of the rich, also issued a fatwa that permits the tayammum for women if the water affects the beauty and Jhan and fall ill, change its color as it happens in the winter, also issued a fatwa that permits to live in the country that prevail in the land, because the let the faithful of this country can be ungodly ones, and opined that the need and the necessity of revolution at the time of the rape power, wealth or saying that the revolution Amosoben the usurper is obligatory, also considered the Imam Sufis real who do not fall worship nor believe in superstitions «the people of the truth» and was connected to love big Belhassen Shazly and Ibrahim Dessouky, but he would say to his disciples, «Hear their word is close to the Covenant of the fountain of truth», and was in all his fatwas away from tradition and soon the spirit of the law, does not take all the doctrine Well and collapse, of demanding commitment to the doctrine of one and tell them that God did not tell us that How can imitate imitate companions imams owners doctrines.

But an event to make Sheikh Imam Mujahid leave his job and Ajthadath goes out to people quickly, it arrived the news to the country that the Crusaders are attacking Damietta went out Sheikh to this town to urge people to jihad and filled the world call for jihad in the way of Allah and won the Egyptians to the Crusaders, and had the greatest impact in the fight , and when he tried to Tartars to invade Egypt rose Sheikh again urged people to jihad and when he wanted Prince Qtz to impose new taxes on people to prevent him from that and said to him, Take the money you want from the Omraúk and rich country and leave the poor for their poverty and He answered the king, and took motivates people to jihad until defeated the Egyptians on the Tatars, and then hit the Sheikh weakness and old age, and learned that the deadline for meeting with his Lord and soon, he said to his sons helped me to go to the lesson, and he had lost it long ago, Vateke and sat on its interpreted the Koran to find his Lord, he explains the verse which says «God is light, the heavens and the earth» .Ezz Bin Abdulsalam

A solid foundation in religion was, Most Merciful the poor was, strong great it was, met him understand Islam and the preservation of the Quran and Sunnah with the diligence and the realization of the mind, was his life to the face of God purely, do not know the intolerance of the doctrine, not aligned to the category, and greed in the money, do not seek Gah or the Sultan, including the work of God Vdzah and became his titles of Imam Sultan scientists, parents and Azzedine and sued the judges and kings polite.

A stop in front of his disciples after he impressed in front of the King River in the parish feast day to tell him to stop fighting the corrupt and immoral in the Muslim countries, said to him, his disciple: Taathab pain of the king, O our sheikh? Said to him, God knows, and floating in his kingdom and the world for His help and strength and its chain: God, I built myself, has been invoked in the prestige of the Sultan of God was Kalqth front of me.
Said by Imam al-Dhahabi: «reached the rank of ijtihad, and ended with the chairman of the doctrine, with asceticism and piety, and said that I'm careful feast:« was the son of Abdul Salam Sultan scientists », said his son brow:« Ibn Abdul Salam horizon of Ghazali », said his son Sobky said: «Shaykh al-Islam and Muslims, and a great scholars, Sultan scholars, the Imam of his time without a defender, the existing Order of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in his time, is familiar with the realities of Sharia and Guamdha, Arif its purposes», and the public from his fans and his students and his students have raised him to the ranks of saints, Tnagulwa his stories, and I call that his dignities, what was it only forbidding to speak in such things, saying that the dignity and honor to God and miracles, and God is not a partner.
Is the Izz al-Din ibn Salam, known as the Izz ibn Abdul Salam, one of the biggest personalities of Islam through the days through, watch the ordeal, and martyr, the warrior in his heart and his pen and his mind and his tongue and his hand, dealer with God since he knew God, Frban his business and is one of the losers, is that servant, Lord's, who has chosen Lord to protect fever Muslims and cleanse their country of weakness, fear and sadness, is that the little boy who learned from life that life is fleeting, Fajld his name in the hearts and minds and history, is the author of biography fragrant and the upper hand and the name Tahar and impact tall, is a small orphan who did not find anything to fill the assuage his hunger and nakedness and Leicester hosts his body, but the great mosque of Damascus «Umayyad Mosque» The work of guarding its small shoes and spark Almsarj and sweep iwans, Vhrsh God of all evil, and lit his heart the light of faith, and cleansed from the uncleanness cleansing.

And because God has wanted to do good is pleased him to Atfgah in religion and Itbhr in doctrine and deepening in the walk to the light of God, was when he sailed and took survived and deepened, some might think that just a coincidence that put him in this way, but the truth is that God created him the flag and place it in the way scientists evacuated loyal, they took his hand, and on Oaanoh needs, and Adboh and Avanmoh and taught, were Yes, teacher, and disciple was yes.
Attracted by the verses of the Quran, as it is in the mosque works at night, follow the sound, if its up to episode Sheikh Senate world Sakba, loses to sit down and listen to the verses of Allah and the traditions of His Messenger, and to note the old man and the presence of this boy, his expulsion of the loop of what was found from the modern age boy oneself and his clothes, and if the boy a small rush to the door of the mosque and remain glued to him in tears to deprive him of the desire to hear what it craves and the same spirit, if Sheikh and finds out the boy for what it is, Verg his heart and unrelenting, he asks the boy you like science? And answering the heart of the boy: And love is science? Sheikh expert knows the people and the world smiles scientists that the child standing in front of him honest, and asks him questions about his and the boy replied and found Sheikh as it is poverty and the need to decide Atkvlh care.
Arises boy in the confines of this old man learns and improves education, assigned to study the book in a month then comes to him after three days and may save it and understand it and concluded that its interest, tell him to save Al increases verse or two or three, like the boy of science and finds himself in the emotional attachment to him and thinking about the manifestations, held out light divine about the way, do not hesitate to walk to hear that what a student seeking knowledge so fraught with angels Fastans them holed up in God than in their hearts, unity, hear about the mysticism of true and condition Fiktbs insight of its light sits to the elders and Mrdia, hear about the world in Iraq saves Modern and hold seminars lesson, Vicd travel to Mesopotamia and dates back to the old Sheikha «Sakba» After learning and understanding what they could not learn that, by greatly because Sheikha and adoption by a teacher in the ring the Great Umayyad Mosque.
Here is the boy sat, surrounded by students asking him he replies, and despite being a Shafi doctrine, Ash'ari doctrine, but he did not comply with Bmzhbh, was the fatwas based on what he sees fit for the people and the most appropriate, and the strongest argument and closer to the spirit of the law, but it was more what the militants Kings mighty and scientists hypocrites , and had to pack and rigor is a good reason, enemy at the gates still, and Salah al-Din that icon, who was collecting pieces home Ayoubi and unite under the banner ruled Egypt and the Levant, has died, and fought his brothers and his sons to govern, and then became the regions of the Islamic to the dispersion after the unit, and all the Amir on his emirate captivating scientists and scholars all he could, the good old was not of this class of human beings, has been sacked for creation the Creator, and Acetkvy Eavy who else, but it was not sufficient role Saket on the right, and what it is to convince that the «devil shut up» was a permanent Scientists blame the Sultan Mjarathm of the Sultan,
He ruled that Sheikh that keeping silent about evil, evil, and that Muslim scholars first people to complete their caliphs and rulers from evil, and that giving up advised the ruler and the response to the injustice contrary to God and His Messenger, and that their silence on the right hope, maximize their sin and condemn their fault, but increased in the attack on them at times Astvtah One of the students: Do we have to obey these scientists? Ezz said: Do not obey them Kalma you do not obey Allah and His Messenger, and so is the scientists who deprived the Sultan and Idahnon Ieinnouna on poor grip and Ofutem, which aroused resentment from scholars and increased the resentment it.
All this and Sheikh past in the process,, decrees people Trja the responsibility of the fatwa, and rejects Gifts rulers do not accept them and distance himself from aspects of extravagance, preferring to trade with God that try it and he was sure to check profits at large, would prefer to live poor, to see the poor pinches his hunger and erode the in his flesh the cold, preferably in the advisory is to review the same time after time, and return to the right and when his grandfather, he even tells him that he once opined that the man in question, and when he returned to his home discovered his mistake, so he went looking for the man who issued a fatwa to him, and make his students roam the streets and markets are calling on those who issued a fatwa Sheikh, saying, of those that were his young yesterday Ezz Bin Abdulsalam not work for them they are wrong, and is to Sheikh Aftih opinion correct, increasing the feature of the popular Sheikh and his love in the hearts of the people, became an old man famous in Damascus are all , gets a salary much of the Umayyad Mosque match taught him, but his thin and small of the large number of donated for «the people of God» refuses urgency his wife against him in the expansion of their house which is that they want a house shrouded in a garden, and even when he collected his wife Massagha and threw it to him to buy House, who want to have it returned empty-handed from the house and formulated, to let her know that he donated money to the poor to buy her a palace in paradise!!
In return for increased love-Sheikh in the hearts of the public has increased hatred of scientists Sultan of the followers of the Hanbali school him, he is as well to blame them permanent and attack him outright to them was accused Balhmq and the stagnation and corruption of public opinion and insulting the Imam of the world, Ahmed bin Hanbal, and this is what made them Astalon anger and trying again and again that signed between Al Ezz Bin Abdulsalam and Sultan al-Ashraf Ayoubi because he was a Hanbali like them and they are considered really care about, but he did not respond to them at first because he knows his place of Imam and how Tfqha, but they did not despair, Vdsoa the fatwa know his opinion in the knowledge that he follows the doctrine Ashari in creed, which is a Sunni who fought by the Ashari Isolationists and Hajajhm him, and when he reached the Advisory Opinion to the imam known to be a trap, but the honor of scientific father has to fear that the issue fatwas concerning the issue knows her answer, and refused him dignity concealment of what is believed the fear of the machinations, he wrote the Imam in his own handwriting in response rebuked the means of the question and said what he believes in all candor, courage and achievement, which he considered Hanbali a victory for them and Zvo advisory opinion to the king, taking advantage of his ignorance of matters of faith and armed with authority doctrine it, he railed king Ezz Bin Abdulsalam and accused him of blasphemy, and I swear to Enzln him as punishment for a major, which angered the scholars of the Maliki and Shafi'i and tried to fix between the Sheikh and the King, but King refused Vtdhamn scholars leave with the imam and signed the text of the fatwa that caused the crisis and said they believe the same as what he believes the imam, Fajvv King of Death-Sheikh and only be removed from advisory and the lesson, obeyed Sheikh to rule and he stayed in his house and then returned to opinion after the king arrived full brother of King Al-Ashraf to the Levant and the river his brother on his position of Imam was known of and revered, and indulging in recognition of the King his mistake was appointed imam in the office of the Grand Imam of Umayyad Mosque, walked judged between people with justice, and ordered the Sultan to raise taxes for manufacturers and traders and the poor and make it to the rich only, ie it is what we call it these days «progressive tax» Sultan responded to his humility.
Once the king died Ashraf and took his place good Ishmael ally of the Crusaders even persecuted Imam Izz ibn Abdul Salam with all his power and oppression, and induce the scholars of the Hanbali who surrounded predecessor «Ashraf» when he learned of them their love for gifts, grants, and their willingness to do whatever pleases the Sultan, imposing taxes prohibitive to the poor and manufacturers once again, and took the slave traders and the Slavers and owners of brothels, and to live every evil that God commanded them to die, and worse of all, alliance with the Crusaders against the brothers of the sons of the Ayyubid, but allowed the Crusaders to buy swords, which are fighting the Muslims from Damascus and was one of the best types of swords, Vtsdy Imam to deviations of the king and went walking in the streets telling people that it sells to the Crusaders sword was Khan's covenant with God and the Prophet is not pending or under him, and his blood wasted and his wealth permissible, but speeches in the people required to take off the King, who give the Crusaders their land and the Alliance with them against his brothers in blood and religion, and declined to imams to mosques to pray for the king after the advisory opinion of the Imam, which means they do not recognize the common good Ismail king, what was the king but ordered his imprisonment and used on Sheikh fatwas from the scholars of the Hanbali says that out on the ruling «haram» and the king know, including the benefit of Muslims, but for Matturaan ugliest charges accuse Imam saying that Imam would not have been fighting the King only for the purpose in itself.

After a while the king ordered the release of Sheikh that required his home does not come out of it except for Friday prayers, what was it only to ask permission to leave Damascus and travel to Cairo, replied the king after the maneuver, to come out at dawn, without telling anyone for fear that raises people's scene exit Sheikh Vinqlpon it, and actually went forward, but on his way to Cairo, met with the most humiliation of princes belonging to Saleh Ismail, Daigoh and insulted him and held him until that trip were not to exceed the month-long years, and when he reached the Imam to Cairo, the Egyptians have heard him and loved him came out to receive him clothed in holiday clothes happy new imam, who renewed the youth of Islam by God and returned to his first love, where justice, mercy, compassion and brotherhood.

King Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub among those received with the Imam at the door of Cairo, and took him by the hand and introduced his new home, saying to him that the house is not his money nor the house of money, but from the people of Cairo, who were glad it Vnbarawa their money to buy him this house, and when entered girl Imam to the new house looked great joy because its orchard as she dreamed Furthermore, overlooking the Nile, and the tribute to Sheikh and maximize the amount of the same King Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub judge the judges, which made the days of Imam Hinah in Cairo, at least, where collided with the Imam of King in the face of experienced the people of Egypt all, and this was the confrontation when he found the Imam al-Mamluk princes buying and selling, marrying of silks and they are still slaves, Vmnahm the conclusion of contracts and issued a fatwa against the health of their marriage of silks, which aroused resentment of the princes and the king alike, but the Imam, who is not afraid of the truth to anybody fit did not return for his fatwa even princes sold in the market and bought them and then the King ransomed them and take good old funds sold and disbursed to the poor and the vulnerable and the poor and students.
And continued the Imam in his fatwas that do not fear do not fear, and when the rule of the Emir of the Mamluks did not implement the Police ruling made by himself and carried out the verdict, and resigned from the judiciary for complaining about the lack of implementation of his reign, Vartah King of his fatwas, which troubled him his life and turned upon princes, and took advantage of the Imam of this period in put the books he had dreamed writing, and extracted through his work in advisory and eliminate many provisions and went to his special theory of jurisprudence, relying on the mind after the transfer Vjadded Youth Islamic jurisprudence even told him the Imam of the Maliki school in Damascus at the time: we did not know since the four imams of the horizon of Ghazali but Izz ibn Abdul Salam.
«Sharia are all either ward off evils or bring the interests» That is the rule, which reached the Imam after insight and diligence, what is the interest which all goodness, and the avoidance of evil in which all goodness, and he soon regrets are intended Sharia basic, and in the Imam says: It wanted to know the interests of evil Vlieredha on the mind.
At that also says: The medicine Kalshra position to bring the interests of safety and wellness and prevention Maatab with things, which put Islam is the one who put medicine, and the two themes to bring the interests and warding off evil and based on this view derived a lot of provisions, and forbade such hardship in worship, saying that God Almighty did not cause any hardship to the slaves, just as it does not mean the doctor to punish patients with medicine bitter and in preference to the interests ordered to follow it better Mstdla on the words of Almighty God «listen to the Word and follow the best», saying that the rescue shipwrecked by prayer and fasting, as was stated that there is no mandate to the leaders of prostitutes who tend to debauchery, and the interests of the poor first of the interests of the rich, also issued a fatwa that permits the tayammum for women if the water affects the beauty and Jhan and fall ill, change its color as it happens in the winter, also issued a fatwa that permits to live in the country that prevail in the land, because the let the faithful of this country can be ungodly ones, and opined that the need and the necessity of revolution at the time of the rape power, wealth or saying that the revolution Amosoben the usurper is obligatory, also considered the Imam Sufis real who do not fall worship nor believe in superstitions «the people of the truth» and was connected to love big Belhassen Shazly and Ibrahim Dessouky, but he would say to his disciples, «Hear their word is close to the Covenant of the fountain of truth», and was in all his fatwas away from tradition and soon the spirit of the law, does not take all the doctrine Well and collapse, of demanding commitment to the doctrine of one and tell them that God did not tell us that How can imitate imitate companions imams owners doctrines.

But an event to make Sheikh Imam Mujahid leave his job and Ajthadath goes out to people quickly, it arrived the news to the country that the Crusaders are attacking Damietta went out Sheikh to this town to urge people to jihad and filled the world call for jihad in the way of Allah and won the Egyptians to the Crusaders, and had the greatest impact in the fight , and when he tried to Tartars to invade Egypt rose Sheikh again urged people to jihad and when he wanted Prince Qtz to impose new taxes on people to prevent him from that and said to him, Take the money you want from the Omraúk and rich country and leave the poor for their poverty and He answered the king, and took motivates people to jihad until defeated the Egyptians on the Tatars, and then hit the Sheikh weakness and old age, and learned that the deadline for meeting with his Lord and soon, he said to his sons helped me to go to the lesson, and he had lost it long ago, Vateke and sat on its interpreted the Koran to find his Lord, he explains the verse which says «God is light, the heavens and the earth» .

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Imam Ibouhamd Ghazali

Imam Ghazali Ibouhamd
Imam Ghazali Ibouhamd

◄ said that it preserves the hadith and repeated but it is a «pot of science, not a scientist» .. He said that the fanatics of the doctrine, or one person closer to blasphemy and contradiction

◄ opined preferring to feed the needy and the weak and aid the sick and the destitute to pay the debt on the Hajj said that the frequent and bring happiness to the heart of the Muslim a better argument than a hundred

Loved by Sufis and put him in the ranks of the righteous, and revered by scholars and putting him in the ranks high, and studied by Almtvelsvon to draw from his rule and Mjadlath philosophy of pure Islamic, and adore the people, because they saw it from the love of the religion of God, and devotion in him, and courage in defending him. Is one of those who pervaded heritage books Bosafhm and ousted them from the titles what makes one forced to pay attention to it, is the argument of Islam, Zinedine, which Nasir al-Din, a Mohi science of religion, which is renewed and jurist, and Sufi and the world, the philosopher and the judge and mentor. Says about the mark Tartooshi said that he met the mind and the understanding and practice of science, and see him Imam Ibn al that he put the books Hassan in assets and branches, which took over in good status and order and achieve speech in which, and the Imam al-Dhahabi says that «miracle of time, and Zinedine, Ibouhamd owner classifications and intelligence excessive », The Hafiz Ibn Kathir Faattabrh of the intelligent world in all that which he spoke, a Faqih Shafi'i the great says about Imam mark Sobky It is the argument of Islam and the Mosque of sundries Science and italicized in the transferee of the concept, as it passed from the friends of Allah the righteous and a friendly, and said that God knows the great mystic Abualabas marina: I bear witness to him Balsidikah major, and the carpenter's son when he says that «the imam of scholars at all, and the nation Balago Rabbani and hard time and appointed time and premature».

Ibouhamd Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ghazali Tusi Alnisabure, jurist worsted Shafie Ashari, nicknamed the pretext of Islam and Zinedine «450 e - 505 e», who agreed on the nation that he renewed the fifth century par excellence, was born in Khorasan and grew up in the house of a poor father made yarn , and scarcely for a living, and led him poverty and the need to deposit his son, who would become later «Hojjatoleslam» in the school provide for the education of the poor, orphans, feed them, but here is the poor sing the work, and here he is in need meet the needs of the nation, has appeared signs of talent and attributes genius is still a young man even said to him, the Imam of the Two Holy Imam mark Iboualemaaly Jouini liked it when: I am alive and killed me? Hala patient until I die?

The Imam Ghazali rare phenomenon in the Arab culture, rarely see a man who brings everyone from different backgrounds, fields and disciplines on the knowledge and grace, sincerity and diligence as scholars are unanimously agreed Ibouhamd Ghazali, even said of him Azhar Sheikh Mustafa Maraghy ​​that inter men in one man, and reminded him of Abualoaly Maudoodi flags were numbered among those who had a prominent role in the revival of religion and renewed, and said that Imam Muhammad Abuzahrh that philosopher in the principles of jurisprudence among scholars, and in its branches investigator to follow the evidence and does not follow people. Does not depend admirable character of Ghazali and his knowledge when the clergy and doctrine, but Ataadahm also to the men of literature, thought and philosophy, he says, his literary feat Abbas Mahmoud Al Akkad: «is a philosopher, who completed his all the tools of philosophy from the ability to strip and the ability to abstract», says his world self-Ahmed Fouad Alahuany: «It is the founder of psychology Islamic», as described by Dr. Zaki Naguib Mahmoud, a leading philosophical thought of Egypt, that he «Giant Great» a summary of his life after periods of doubt and the occurrence of certainty that he came to rule the most beautiful «I want then I am a person».

All of this appreciation of all this celebration of old and new Hazh «Hojjatoleslam» and more, Let us now are in dire need to consider the case of personal like this, a character brought everyone under its banner, condemning him beholden Almtvelsv practice philosophers and mortgagor practice advances both, he, who arrived to the origin of science and wisdom, who set sail looking for the right found him really living God his followers, began to doubt the existence and assets, and reached the highest level of certainty in Allah and His angels and His messengers, and we thank God that this world teacher expert firm was not born in the era of Kasrna this, since not so long ago that Agtale one that befell the extremists in the period of doubt, this is forbidden science of human large and extensive credit.
If you want to know Ibouhamd Ghazali really look up to the total of these to enter his world and absorbing idea, and require the light of his dedication in the pursuit of wisdom, which comes a God to him, a «brought the wisdom of wills» says Imam Hojjatoleslam
«Do not leave the defect - follow the doctrine of esoteric - but I would like to briefed on his inner circle, and apparently - follow the doctrine of apparent - but I want to know He holds Zaarth, not philosophical, but I mean to stand on, but his philosophy, not speaking only and try to see the very words and incontestable, The Sofia only and be sure to find the secret of elites, not worship, except Otrsd due to it holds worship, not a heretic to hang only sense the behind the alert for reasons of courage », and tells us quote the former that the imam would not have sent off one of his mercy, did not deal with different ideological and the religious and sectarian as «accursed», but it was perceived as the world absorbed Enquirer liquid experimenter, wants to know, knowledge is the first methods of certainty, he was seen to their ideas will not be considered to Chkhosm, because the thought is rest, and the person is obsolescent, if I like the idea digested and Tqmusha and absorbed, and I think where, though Astqbh idea Jadelha and refuted with wisdom and beautiful preaching, which is in the acceptance of another argument with him prove what he said about Imam «Maraghy» that several men in one man, were taken from all the idea of ​​best opinion, and stop the secret of dispersion of the people: then secretly to bring them together, and the old saying that «Laith several sheep digestible», and we apply this argument to our Imam, we will find that «sheep» is absorbed and the ideas studied and heard from her family, and the natural result is to become Ibouhamd «Laith promised».

Pressing question here is: What brought the «Hojjatoleslam» ascend to this position, and the attainment of this status, which made everyone praises him irrespective of their colors?, And the answer that you find at the Imam and a clear aberration which is the «mind» .. Yes, the mind is a teacher in front of the teachers, an OS which is guided by his light, which the Apostle eternal, who filed God in each and every one of us to guide him to the straight path, they did not sanctify the Imam al-Ghazali in all his books except Allah, the Prophet and the mind, but it Aalih what desires so that it considers the judge, and is al-Shara is the witness and says: «After the Tnatq sued the mind, a ruling which does not isolate or alter, and saw Shara, a witness Referred average that the world is the ego does not house pleasure and place of trade is not housing and building», but it raises the mind to a degree not preceded by the former, where he says: The mind is the things that he oversaw a composite religion, and the holder of the Secretariat!
Highlights of Imam role of reason in faith in God and His Messengers and His signs and Koran mixing between the role of the mind and the role of transport, stressing that it is not correct, one without the other, but it puts the mind in an interview the Qur'an, and refers to them that they were «two originals» as if it were equal to them in the miracles of God in created them, and the adoption of human to them, he says: «an essential reason for a hearing, is essential listening for the mind, Valdaay to the pure tradition with the isolation of the mind is ignorant, and-contained as soon as the mind lights the Quran and Sunnah conceited, beware that of one of the two teams and be inclusive between the native, the Science substances such as food, forensic science such as medications »The tireless imam or tired of the repetition of phrases, which indicate the deification of the human mind, and make it equal to the legislation, says that al-Shara Knorr God and the mind eye, which consider this light, no point of light without sight, no use of sight without the light.

It goes on Imam refute the arguments of those who claim that religion does not accept the realization of the mind and says: «He thought of the thought that the science of mental contrary to the science of legitimacy, and that their combination is not possible, which is thought by the blindness in the eye insight we seek refuge with Allaah from him», but keep up the Imam in the attack on these people and is one of the calls to disable the mind as if he has reason to disbelief, saying that the mind is the way of faith and the lock is the way of sneaking of religion, he says: «but this view may contradict him some forensic science to some, will incapacitate from the combination between them, think that it is a contradiction in religion Viake it, Vinsl of the debt of the dough diapedesis hair ».

Do not fight Imam nothing like the fight to disable the mind, but the scourge of counterfeiting, which hit the Muslim community, a girl people between the sects and branching and details, which flooded the social conflict obsolete, condemned to imitate the Muslim man is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, pointing out that the companions if imitated shall be tradition including Adrkoh knowledge and hear the Messenger of Allah, and thus become a tradition companions is a tradition of the Messenger of Allah, do not suffice to Imam condemned the tradition of one but the Prophet, but orders of mimics the Messenger of Allah not to imitate him without the knowledge and insight, he says: It should be a snob to the Messenger of God «to be careful to understand the secrets »is positive on the faithful to look« the secrets of the business, words are not operative only, stressing that it preserves the hadith and repeated but it is a «pot», not a scientist, because it «is not called a world if it would save not see the power and secrets», do not hesitate to Imam to show frustration and Mellh of «imitators» and considers them «minors», asking them to silence, saying: «The condition fake that silence and acquiescence because it is a minor on the path of pilgrims», ie the exchange of arguments and discussion, and monitors the Imam apparent that the imitators are more people intolerance and inaction, writes this in a language almost identical to some of the Associate of Islam now, he says: «imitator mimics doctrine nose and froze it, and proved in the same intolerance he once followers of the audible, it is access to insight and see», stressing that the imitators deprive themselves of enjoying the light of Lightning knowledge, Sagnin themselves in tight to their beliefs, imagining that knowledge «of ego Satan», Veptadon them by the devil a new so-called «devil tradition» Sheikh of one or the doctrine of one Itasb he does not hear god, asserting that this case is to the infidels and the contrast was closer to faith and harmony.

And we know how tight the Imam Palmqddin fanatics if we noticed last word in the preceding paragraph, as decided by the Imam that these fanatics «akin to blasphemy», and this description is the most that can Imam be thrown by the man, who lived fighting the thought of atonement with full force and argument, denied be atonement one says there is no god but Allah, and had spread to his culture of atonement and all the range atone other without any resentment, issuing Imam cry, saying: «It does not atone for each of the witness that there is no god but Allah», stressing that «the error in the left A disbeliever in life is easier than the error in the shed reluctant from the blood of a Muslim », and bemoans the Imam to something much Thsrh to spread the culture of atonement are cancerous in the Muslim community, he says:« Hambali atone Ashari, alleging that he lied to the Prophet in the proof of ultrasound to God, and Ashari or major claiming that Mhbh, and Ashari atone Isolationist, claiming that he lied in the passport to see the Prophet of God, and the Isolationist atone Ashari, alleging that demonstrate the qualities lie in the uniformity of the Prophet »!

Did not fight the Imam imitators advances without knowledge, but a thousand books in the attack on the philosophers and mysticism and all of the mixes Islam with other worldly sciences, and in light of debates and long battles famous Perhaps the most famous of what happened between him and Ibn Rushd, when issued Imam «hurried philosophers» issued a son Rushd «rush rush», but despite the war of intellectual famous did not object to the philosophy of where is the Study of the autonomous of Investigation meditation, thinking, and science, but Gillth major was against those who try to confuse philosophy with religion, two of the Menbaan different no one may be mixed with other, But in spite of this war, Imam Ghazali himself has become a philosopher said of him as one of the Orientalists, because defending Islam against the input logic of philosophers philosophical philosophy built the special advantage from his peers.
Among the groups that carry out Imam Hojjatoleslam, scientists, princes, for he noticed an outbreak of the phenomenon of the sultan scientists who are engaged by the sultans and kings of corruption and corruption, saying: «but now it has restricted the ambitions Olson scientists Vsktwa, if believed, and they meant the right to succeeded», and up to maximum in the attack on the scientists, blaming them for the collapse of communities, saying that corruption nationals corruption of kings, corruption and the corruption of the kings of scientists,

And the corruption of scientists seizure love of money and wealth, and taken over by love of the world is not able to Holland on Alerazl, how the kings and presidents?!, True to this logic nonself, which dignify the world on anything else save the history many of the honorable positions of Imam Ghazali in the face of the princes of his time , of which his position with the Seljuk Sultan Singer, who said to him, alas .. The necks of the Muslims denounce almost calamities and taxes, and the necks of horses had almost expired Balotoaq gold.
Although Sufi imam and concern the renewal of Islamic thought and purified of impurities, it was as he says scholars of his time «Imam scholars», but approach the Imam in his understanding away from the meaning rolling on jurisprudence from where he is extravagant in the details, and restrict Paljziat, and although the Imam books jurisprudence gone as Typical, but brings a lot of scientists and specialists that the nuggets doctrine flowing in his books especially «revival of religious sciences» believe in the expression of the jurisprudence of the Imam, he is for example in the jurisprudence of worship finds that ablution before the cleansing of the outside is clean inside, and in the jurisprudence of the transaction indicates people on the right path, and the general approach, which if it walked that improve their commerce doth not will and limit themselves from the greed, warning them that the world market forego market for the afterlife.

And puts the Imam in his books can be called «the jurisprudence of priorities» Vengda acknowledges that the Converted duties are should a Muslim be arranged as needed, Vengda for example, says, offers the statutes on the redundancy, and provide hypotheses of objects on the hypothesis of efficiency, and provides a communal obligation, which it is not based on what he had done otherwise, and provides most of the imposition of the objects below it, and what to miss what not to miss. And taken from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah preference for the mother to the father in the link, he says: «should be for a person to begin in the relevant Baloqrb, the Astoya Fbalahog, the Astoya Fbalabqy», nor hesitate to Imam, who saw the poor die of hunger and disease in the fatwa favoring giving the poor money pilgrimage that led human hypothesis, saying that the best for those who perform Hajj and spends two thousand dirhams to block debt owed, or enough poor for homelessness, or sing the families of the question, or the joy of raised orphan, saying that to bring happiness to the heart of a Muslim or relief Hvan or to remove your Allowance for man and God at best a weak one hundred argument after argument of Islam. Also fought against Imam rich Scrooges who «hold the funds by virtue of Parsimony» then employed worship physical Kchiam and do, and seal the Koran, saying that they «arrogant Mkhaddon», also ordered the Imam to leave Needless to Hajj and Umrah if Ghali, Prince of Mecca in the taxation of the pilgrims, or increase in fees pilgrimage and Umrah, Hajj, saying that here it will help them to injustice and to pander to them, and makes the position of Muslims in the humiliation as if they are making a tribute.

Let us look after what we knew from the knowledge of the Imam Ghazali and the bounty of Islam and Muslims to support his immortal that reflect his faith in the forces, and modesty of El Jem, to stand on the most important advantages of this man who has become a landmark in the history of humanity, however, says he is still in need to learn a lesson before he preached, the He was told: Why not make a lot of preaching?, he said: But you do not see myself preaching Welcome to him, because the preaching «zakat» redress «Learning lessons», or go out of Zakat has not reached a quorum.